Succulents, Yucca, and Cacti
Red Yucca
Hesperaloe parviflora (Texas Red Yucca) is not a true Yucca, but one of the very best drought tolerant flowering succulents. A hummingbird's favorite that produces tall spikes of reddish-pink flowers that continue to bloom all summer. Its dark green rosette of long, thin leaves rising fountain-like from the base provides an unusual sculptural accent, its long spikes of pink to red to coral bell-shaped flowers last from May through October, and it is exceedingly tough, tolerating extreme heat and cold and needing no attention or supplemental irrigation once established, although many people remove the dried flower stalks in the fall. Unlike yucca, the leaves are not spine-tipped, and have fibrous threads along the edges. Red yucca is native to Central and Western Texas.